The IP address is located in China. IP is associated with ASN AS4538 - China Education and Research Network Center.
IP address | : |
Country Code | : CN |
Country Name | : China |
Country Flag | : |
Capital | : Beijing |
Currency | : CNY |
USD Rate | : 7.31 |
EUR Rate | : 7.56 |
Phone Prefix | : +86 |
Region Code | : |
Region Name | : |
City | : |
Postal Code | : |
Latitude | : 34.7732 |
Longitude | : 113.722 |
Time Zone | : Asia/Shanghai |
Continent Code | : AS |
Continent Name | : Asia |
ASN | : AS4538 |
ASN Name | : China Education and Research Network Center |
* Rates updated hourly
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